Jesus Christ! Look at this.My sneaker's ruined!
- They're only $35.- Fucking city's turned into
one big pile of dog shit!
Come on out and take a crap on me!Everybody else is! Fuck.
- Give it back to the poodles.- What's the point of jogging
for two and a half miles?
Giving yourself lung cancer.
Tell you somethin', Erica.The longer I'm married to you...
the more you sound like my mother.
Clean your own sneaker.
- You wanted me to step in it.- You're going crazy, Martin.
- Yeah?- Yes.
Why would I want you to step in dog shit?
Well, that's a good question.
- Oh, God.- Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm not your mother.
- You know.- Yeah.
Listen, do you think we got timefor a little quickie?
I got about 11 minutes.
Hey, come on!
Gimme a break here.I'm gettin' frostbite.
Jesus, I got to quit smoking.
- I saw Jacobs on Tuesday. Did I tell you?- Uh-uh.
Yeah, I went infor my annual physical.
How are you?
You sound surprised.