- Morning.- Hiya.
- You look great.- Thanks.
- Are you ready?- Hey, I was born ready.
- Who knows that better than you?- I hope no one.
You know, the amazing thing is,I' m not even nervous.
You just put your garbage in my car.
Hey, hunt. Today is the big day.Give 'em hell, boy.
- I' ll give it to 'em.- We're counting on you.
Mrs barnyak, this face is on the case.
- God bless.- Thank you.
If I screw this up, this town is dead meat.
- But you're not nervous.- No. I' m not.
Oh, god.
You are all weak.
That is why you have been sent here.
Your bosses find you lazyand without confidence.
Hold on, hunt, my man.On his way to japan!
- Hey, hunt!- Next stop japan, buddy.
Take a taxi.
You look real good.
I' m glad they sent you,not some city council gumhead.
Yeah. And, hunt,don't eat any raw shit, ok?
- Wish me luck.- Go get 'em.