I shall tell youof William Wallace.
Historians from Englandwill say lam a liar,
but history is written by thosewho have hanged heroes.
The king of Scotlandhad died without a son,
and the king of England,
a cruel pagan knownas Edward the Longshanks,
claimed the throne of Scotlandfor himself.
Scotland's noblesfought him
and fought each otherover the crown.
So Longshanks invited themto talks of truce--
no weapons,one page only.
Among the farmers of that shirewas Malcolm Wallace,
a commonerwith his own lands.
He had two sons--John and William.
I told you to stay.
Well,I finished my work.
Where are we going?
MacAndrews'.He was supposed to visit
when the gatheringwas over,
- Can I come?- No, go home, boy.
But I want to go.
Go home or you'll feelthe back of my hand.
Go you home,William.