Let's go.Letters are fading.
Where's talent?We have 5 seconds.
- And the letters?- It's fine.
Did you get that in shot?
Okay, where's Hal?
I can only hold ita few seconds.
Get the first team on set.The letters are fading.
Come on, we gotta go!
- She looks great. Come!- I'm ready.
- Please.- Let's go.
Quick review, Nicole.
Get out of thecar, run across...
you see theskywriting, "Help"...
and realise everything'sgone wrong.
It's incredible.You had it all figured out.
And now it's all chaos.
You need toproject despair.
- We gotta go. We're losing...- I know.
Make me feel thewhole human condition.
- You know?- Lock it up!
Can you stop the drillfor 5 minutes?
What's that, "Help"?
- Roll camera!- Camera's rolling.
- Speed!- Higher.
Scene 121, take 1!
Faster, faster.
You're like a zombie!
Okay, hit the mark.Look up.
Come on, come on.And good, good.
Cut! We cut!
Nicole, thank you.
That was amazing.So compelling.
Your body language, it'sso emotional, everything you do.
You get the big bucks becauseyou make me look great.
Camp David here.About the ring.
Mary, here's Nicole.
- Sorry to bug you.- Okay, pal.
- Do I sign the thing?- Voucher.
You get a voucher?
- Did they get it?- Let's hope.
Our wardrobe, right?John, take this.
Where do I know you from?I know you, right?
Chippers in So-Ho.I waited on you.
What a great memory!
It was a coupleof months ago, right?
But I remembered your face.