[ Radio Static ]
[ Man On Radio ] While mostof President Eisenhower's advisors--
- [ Static Continues ]- [ Woman Singing ]
- [ Man On Radio ] Today are ominous.- [ Man On Radio ] Washington--
[ Static, Music Continues ]
[ Man On Radio ] If you havejust tuned in to this special bulletin,
Washington has confirmedthat, yesterday,
on the fourthof October, 1957,
the Soviet Unionsuccessfully launched...
history's firstman-made satellite...
into space orbitaround the Earth.
- [ Switch Clicks ]- [ Motor Humming ]
The satellite which the Russianshave dubbed Sputnik...
is being hailedas a milestone in history.
No one in our nation's capitalcould deny that the satellite...
has ushered in a grimnew chapter in the Cold War.
And indeed,a wave of national anxiety...
already seemsto be sweeping the country.
[ Man ] Still maintainingits speed of 18,000 miles an hour,
completing an orbit of the Earthevery 96 minutes.
Doctor Wernher von Braun,
Chief Engineer of the ArmyBallistic Missile Agency,
expressed the hopethat the United States...
would soon be followingthe Russians into space...
with our ownartificial satellite.
Mister von Braun confirmed...
that there has still been noactual sighting of the Soviet satellite,
but the U.S. expectsto be tracking it very soon.