Sometimes Dr Lecter and Iwould talk...
when things got quiet enough...
about the science coursesI was takin'.
Some kind of mail-order coursesin psychology, Nurse Barney?
No, sir.
I don't consider psychologya science...
and neither did Dr Lecter.
Now, Barney...
while you were workingat the asylum...
you observed Clarice Starlingand Hannibal Lecter interacting.
Talking to one another.
Yes.Yes, it seemed to me that they--
I can see you're eager to justifyyour consulting fee...
but why don't we startwith what you saw...
not what you thought aboutwhat you saw?
Cordell, don't be like that.Barney can give us his opinion.
Barney, give us your opinionof what you saw.
What was it between them?
Most of the time, Dr Lecterdidn't respond at all to visitors.
He'd just, for instance,open his eyes long enough...
to insult some academicwho was there to look over him.
With Starling,he answered her questions.
She interested him.She intrigued him.
He thought she was charmingand amusing.
So Clarice Starlingand Hannibal Lecter...
became friendly.