This way to the sanitarium.
Free bus to the sanitarium.
This way to the Standish Sanitarium.Standish San... Standish San...
This... This way to the Standish...
Stand... Free bus. Free bus.Standish Sanitarium.
Free bus to the sanitarium.Just got room for a few more.
- Sanitarium?- No, racetrack.
You don't wanna go there.You're sick.
I'm going to the races!
All right. You want something hotin the fifth race?
Sanitarium? Bus to the sanitarium.Standish Sanitarium.
Free bus to the sanitarium.
It's no use, Tony.
If business keeps up like this,I'm afraid I'll have to drive the car myself.
Oh, no, Miss Judy. You can't fire me.
- But what if I can't pay your salary?- That's different.
You don't have to pay me,but you can't fire me.
- Tony, you're sweet.- Yeah. And don't worry, Miss Judy...
...I'm gonna get us some customersif I have to make them sick myself.
Tony, I'm afraid we needmore than customers.
You don't understand.I owe a great deal of money.
Far more than I can ever pay.
Let me see.Who do I know that's rich?
How about that big, strong,sick woman at the sanitarium?
- You mean Mrs. Upjohn?- That's the one.
She'd lend you the money.
Oh, she's rich. Why, last week,she gave me a dollar tip.