Similar Reviews
Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by William Wyler
– More Ben-Hur The Big Country The Best Years of Our Lives
– Language
Mrs. Miniver
:02:02 East Hill bus.
:02:04 - All right, lady, on or off, please.
- Oh, yes.
:02:07 - That's all. Next bus!
- Fares, please.
:02:10 - Beverly Crescent?
- Who?
:02:11 - Beverly Crescent.
- Get off next stop, take number 19.
:02:15 - Fares, please.
- I'm sorry, conductor.
:02:17 - Would you mind stopping?
- Leaving us already?
:02:19 It's in the opposite direction.
:02:21 That's about the only place
we don't go, lady. Fares, please.
:02:54 - Why, Mrs. Miniver.
- You know, I...
:02:59 Don't tell me it's gone.
:03:01 Just a minute.
:03:21 Oh, I was so afraid you'd sold it.
:03:23 No. We knew you'd come back.
:03:26 I know it's foolish and extravagant...
:03:29 ...but I've simply got to have it.
:03:30 Yes, pack it up quickly,
don't give me time to think.
:03:34 Oh, careful, careful.
:03:41 Why, vicar. This is nice.
:03:43 - For me. Let me put those on the rack.
- Thank you.
:03:48 Oh, no, not this one. I might leave
it behind, and it's rather precious.
:03:52 Yes, I know the feeling.
:03:54 Guess what this is.
:03:57 - Port.
- Worse than that.
:03:58 - Cigars.
- Well, why not? My husband does.