This land has a name todayand is marked on maps.
But the names and the marks and the landall had to be won.
Won from nature and from primitive man.
Five generations ago,a mere 125 years back...
... this land was known only as the West...
... known only to a handful of white men...
... lonely trappers wandering its vastnessin search of beaver.
They were known as "mountain men",a new breed.
Men like Jim Bridger, Linus Rawlings...
... more Indian than the Indiansin all but blood.
They held to no law but their own...
... drifted free as the clouds,settled nowhere, kept forever on the move.
Their mocassined feet and unshod horsesleft no trace on the land.
Like the Indians,with whom they were at peace...
... they wanted nothingbeyond what they found and little of that.
The mountains, the forests,the harsh country...
... were as unchanging to themas the stars...
... and just as unyielding.