"And do you vow before God and us...
"as his witnessesto love, honor, and obey him...
"until death do you part?"
I'm not sorry for what I did.
I have no regrets.Because look what it got me.
A man who appreciates me for what I am.
All my life, my mother said,"Get married, Miriam, get married."
And I wanted to get married. Honest.
But it wasn't that easy.
You see, I had this problem.
My problem was, I was a beautiful person...
who had been kidnapped by an ugly body.
Of course, there were advantagesto being homely.
I never had to worry about someonetaking my messages while I was out...
or having the trauma of growing oldand losing my looks.
And I was probably the only girlwho, no matter where I went...
never had to worry about being mugged.
So you see, I was quite content.
Oh, there was one other thing.
I was also very lonely.
I even changed colleges.
Five of them in three years,in hopes of finding the right guy.
There are a lot of men at State,which is why I came here.
- Look at the line.- We'll be here for hours.
Registration's got to be the worst partof college, next to studying.
I know a senior who missed her graduation.
Years later they found herin line still trying to register.
- Hi there.- Hi there.