- Carlyle.- He's dead since June, boss.
The man... Santos Malderone.
And here comes our boy.Michael Colin Gallagher.
43 here, 47 now.
Tommy Gallagher's only kid.Nephew of Santos Malderone.
Occupation: Wholesale liquor.
- Duck, Waddell!- Where were you when I needed you?
- Hi, Donna.- Hi, Meg.
- Did somebody rob a bank?- I wish somebody would.
Anything new on Diaz?
Sure, lots.We're just not ready to discuss it yet.
So where is everybody?
They're all up watching the moVies.Surveillance film. Gallagher's funeral.
It's pretty funny.Bob Waddell gets slugged at the end.
- Who's Gallagher?- A bad guy. He died before you got here.
All the crooks showed up; we took somepictures. Ask Bob if you can see it.
- He's still crazy about you.- He's a nice guy.
I'Ve been here three years.
Why are they interested in a guythat's been dead that long?
That stunt got him busted for assault.That's all we got on Michael Gallagher.