plantilla 1981
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moderada usuario
– redirigido por Mark Rydell
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On Golden Pond
On Golden Pond (1981) was a Broadway play turned cinematic hit written by playwright Ernest Thompson. The film tells the story of a summer spent by an aging couple at their summer home on Golden Pond, their daughter who attempts to close the age-old gap between herself and her father, and her new stepson who spends a month on the pond with her parents. Produced by the British ITC Entertainment production company, it stars Katharine Hepburn (Ethel), Henry Fonda (Norman), Jane Fonda (their daughter Chelsea), Doug McKeon (their step-grandson Billy Ray) and Dabney Coleman.
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On Golden Pond
:03:27 ¡Norman! ¡Ven aquí! ¡Ven aquí!
:03:30 ¡Norman!
:03:33 ¡Date prisa! ¡Los colimbos!
:03:36 ¡Los colimbos!
:03:38 Nos dan la bienvenida.
:03:41 No oigo nada.
:04:08 ¡Mira cómo está todo!
:04:10 - Qué desastre, ¿no?
- Dame un momento.
:04:14 Todo estará en orden otra vez.
:04:16 ¡Y más caliente!