[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Choir ] ¶So are we nowwhere Christ has led ¶
A-a-a-alleluia ¶
¶ Following our exalted head ¶
¶ A-a-a-alleluia ¶
¶ Made like himLike him we rise ¶
¶ A-a-a-alleluia ¶
[ Very High Voice ]Ours across the great blue sky ¶
¶ A-a-a-alleluia ¶
¶ A-a-a ¶
[ Singing In Wrong Key ]¶ Amen ¶¶
[ Man ]Nathanial.
- This arrived for you this morning.- Thank you, Headmaster.
Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah--[ Gasps ]
Oh! What sweet news!
Ah! My dear daddy has arrangedfor my immediate departure...
from Stephenwood, tomorrow,after graduation.
And he's booked me first-classpassage on the Queen Catherine.
Of course. Heaven forbid...
that you should experienceeven the slightest discomfort.
Yes. Good point.
- As I'm sure you're well aware,Reichmaster Timmons,
-[ Clicks Heels Together ]
I'm to take overthe family-run hotel chain
in beautiful sun-drenched Hawaii.
I'm sure that's almostas exciting as being a frustrated,
shabbily-dressed headmaster.
- Yes? Hmm?- Young Nathanial.
The faculty and myself have madeendless attempts to teach you to curb...