This is Richard Valerianireporting live...
for CNN from the Frenchaircraft carrier Foch...
somewhere in the Mediterranean.
Six days ago,as the rebellion in Chechnya...
spread to the neighboring Caucasusrepublics, the Russian president...
ordered massive bombing strikesagainst rebel positions...
around Rutul and Belokany.
Appalled at the loss of human life,the President of the United States...
joined by the French presidentand the British prime minister...
suspended all foreign aidto Russia.
Ultranationalist leaderVladimir Radchenko...
denounced the U.S. Pressureas an act of war...
against the Russian Republicand Russian sovereignty.
Denouncing his own presidentas a U.S. Puppet...
he called on the Russian peopleto join him in revolt.
He said, "This brutish and hypocriticalAmerican intervention...
will not go unanswered."
On Tuesday, at 10:00in the morning Moscow time...
the Russian parliament was suspendedand martial law was declared.