- What's new?- Same old daily bunkeroo.
Mr. Powers says he wants to seethat foreign stuff as soon as it comes in.
Don't declare war for a few minutes.
"According to a high official,it is believed"...
Foreign correspondent.
I could get more news out of Europelooking in the crystal ball.
That Stebbins cable has a morsel in it.
Stebbins makes me sick.They all make me sick.
Europe about to blow up...
and all I can get from my foreign staffis a daily guessing game.
- I want some facts, Mr. Bradley.- For instance?
Any kind of fact.
There must be somethinggoing on in Europe...
beside a nervous breakdown.
Why not try sending me over, Mr. Powers?
You've written a bookon economics or something.
The Twilight of Feudalism?