And this is it.Straight ahead.
Thin is haven't been easy of late.
We feel we perhaps haven'tfelt God's presence very much.
We'll make sure we clean it.
Pastor Wredmannsalivates a lot during sermons.
He can be very ... committed.
Here you are ...they fit the main door as well.
I can't give youthe keys to the vicarage.
Pastor Wredmann is only onsuspension so he still lives there.
I am so sorry about your wife.
I think I knew her.
I did community serviceat the pastoral seminary.
Verier -
Would you like to talk to him?Yes, please.
Who is he?I was just showing him round.
I am the temporary pastor.My name is Andreas.
We've been lookingforward to your arrival.
Shall I help you finda bed for the night?
Yes, please.
We'll have to sack the managerof the stadium restaurant.
Halvfinn?Pernille, do take some cake.
Yes, Halvfinn.We've had another call.
Not a complaint?He's no idea how to treat patrons.
He poured a chocolate milk intoa lady's handbag. Deliberately.
Yet he was the bestfootballer of us all.
Opinions differ on that. I rememberone match ... Give him the sack.