Our Father, who art in heaven,hallowedbe Thyname.
Thy kingdom come,Thy will be done,
on earthas it is in heaven.
Give us this dayour daily bread,
and forgive usour trespasses,
as we forgive thosewho trespass against us.
And lead usnot into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom,the power...
and the glorynow and forever.
- Amen.- Amen.
Thank you, Father Macklepenny,
for coming all the wayacross town to be our guest speaker.
When Iraisemy flashing sword...
and my handtakes hold on judgment,
I will take vengeanceup on mine enemies.
And I will repay thosewho haze me.
O Lord, raise meto Thy right hand...
and count meamong Thy saints.
And I am remindedon this holy day...
of the sad storyof Kitty Genovese.
As you all may remember,
a long time ago,almost 30 years ago,
this poor soulcried out for help...
time and time again,
but no personanswer her calls.