A person can lose a lot of things.
He can lose his soul.He can lose his life.
But I've always said the worst thinga man can lose is his teeth.
It's true.I should know.
Are you listening to me, Mike?Because I'm dead serious here.
- Come on, Mike.- I am definitely not pleased.
- You haven't been flossing, have you?- Frank, I have been trying.
Jean, hit the video.I want to record this.
Okay, Doctor.
This is the new inter-oral camerawe've been using. I love it.
- Why is it in that box?- Fireproofing.
All our data is fireproofedfor the insurance company.
I know it's expensive,but it's not a toy.
Now, eyes on the monitor.I want to show you something.
- Relax, Mike. Breathe.- Move that tongue out of the way.
Other way.Out of the way.
- Mike, just unroll it.- Unroll it, Mike.
Now, here's the problem area.This tender?
How about here?
That's what I thought.Let's set him up for a temporary on 21.
- We'll fix him up next week.- Booked solid.
- How about two weeks Tuesday?- Fine. Slide me the tank, please.
And by the way, you know thatmalpractice insurance we talked about--
I know. You told me. You movedeverything into the new corporation.
This way you're totally protected.
The house, the practice,the money market accounts.
- You told him that.- Hold on.
The beauty of this thing isall of your holdings...
are protectedunder the new corporation.
Just relax. I promisenot to drill too deep.
- Come on.- Too deep? Wait a minute.