The French tried to build a canal herebefore the Americans.
At the height of their effort,500 workers...
... were dying every weekfrom malaria and yellow fever.
They couldn't come up withcemetery space fast enough...
...not to mention the morale problemall those crosses would have made.
So they bought shiploadsof vinegar in Cuba...
...and in each barrel,they sealed one corpse.
And then they sold themas medical cadavers all over Europe.
And for a while, that wastheir principal source of profit.
You see, this place has always hada special way of dealing...
... with both profit and death.
As some of you may have heard,there is a hurricane warning tonight.
Well, Rangers do not waiton good weather.
Rangers do not waitfor a bright, sunshiny day.
Oh, no. Rangers are trained to operatein the worst possible conditions...
...and take said conditionsand turn them against their enemy.
You each have one rifle, one sidearmand one white phosphorus grenade.
This is a live E and E, so pleasekeep those weapons safetied...
...so as not to shoot offyour nonexistent dicks.
The rally point is a bunkertwo clicks north of the LZ.
You will split into teams of two.