Yeah, yeah, I'm that Lou girI.I'm a Iegend.
I'm a Iegend.And Iike Coke...
I need no intro,no bio, no resume...
I won the NCAADivision 1 Championship...
the Women's U.S. Open, and hadsixteen victories on the LPGA Tour.
AII that exists in the worId ofmarketing are perceptions...
in the mind of the customer,or prospect.
The perception is the reaIity.Everything eIse is just an iIIusion.
But that's not why I'm here taIkingwith you today.
There are more accompIishedwomen than me.
Nothing is reaI except whatwe perceive to be reaI.
We make it reaI...
I am here, because I am more thanthe sum totaI of my accompIishments.
I'm a story...The worId beIongs...
to those who controI the brand...A reputation...
For good or bad profits...A brand...
Mom, appIe pie,the girI next door...
everybody's AII-American,MichaeI Jordan and EIvis...