Home on the range.
Once upon a time,I had a home on the range.
But not anymore.
Well, it's no usecryin' over spilled milk.
Speakin' of which, that's me.
I'm the cow.
Yeah, they're real.
Quit staring.
I'm sort of between homesright now.
I lost my old place...
thanks to the meanest bunch ofcattle rustlers in the west--
Alameda Slimand the Willie Brothers gang.
Somehow they stole the whole herd...
right outfrom under our noses...
and then they disappearedwithout a trace.
After that...
poor old Abner couldn'tafford to keep the place...
or me, either, for that matter.
Well, no matter how badthings get...
there's probably somebodyworse off.
That guy, for instance.
Hey, Maggie.
Take a look at your new home.
Hey! A dairy farm?
Now we're talkin'!
Hope it's not one of themfat-free places.