To Dean of Admissions,Princeton University.
The most influential person in my life...
... is Mother Teresa, whose examplehelped me overcome the arrogance...
which threatened after my 1,600 SAT scoreand National Merit Scholarship.
My influential person taught methe most important word I've learned.
Aloha, which I...
To the Dean of Admissions,Princeton University...
from Cristina Moreno.
Most influential person: My mother.No contest.
I think I have been pointingtoward this essay...
ever since the day, 12 years ago in Mexico,when my father left.
Such was my mother's need to protect me...
that she would not let me see her cry.
The trick was...
get over it as quicklyand privately as possible.
Such was my need to protect her...
that I never let on that I could hear her.
My mother kept us in Mexicoas long as possible...