Now listen, Mr. Gibson.
You're not going to stop meand no one else is going to stop me.
I'm going on this vacationwhether you like it or not!
And if you want to throw me out,why don't you?
Yes, you know I'm right.
Now don't bring up any arguments like that.
Yes, you brought me here from Detroit,but you didn't do it for my sake.
You did it because you wanteda good engineer, and I've done a swell job.
Now, let me tell you, Mr. Gibson...
I'm not going back to Detroitbefore I have my vacation...
and if you don't like it, you can take my joband you know what you can do with it?
Mr. Gibson wants to see you.
Tell him I'll be right in.
Yes, Mr. Bradley.
- Well, Mr. Gibson?- Well, Mr. Bradley?
It's all right. You can have your vacation.
I can have my...
Well, thank you, Mr. Gibson.
You don't have to thank me.You've done a swell job...
and let me tell you,you're a very fine engineer.
Everyone in Detroit recognises that.
Well, they don't know much in Detroit.
Enough to like your ideasabout the new carburettor very much.
They want you back homeby the 15th at the latest.
- The 15th?- Yeah.
- Well, that... That gives me two weeks.- That's right.
Where are you going?
- Spain.- Spain, huh?
I've always wanted to go there,ever since I was a kid.
I've read every book about Spain.
Imagine me, Tom Bradley from Detroit,born in Peoria...
being in Madrid tomorrow,seeing a bullfight.
Sitting next to a beautiful señorita.
When everybody else is watching the bull,she'll be watching me. I'll see to that.
- Here are the signs for Mr. Bradley's car, sir.- Thank you.
What car?I forgot to tell you.
To show youhow much we appreciate your services...
- we're lending you a car for your trip.- Well, that's great!
But we thought we might as well utilise youfor a little publicity.
You won't mind using one of these signson the car, will you?
- No.- Let's see which one is the best.