Golden Earrings
Afternoon, Mr Smith.Afternoon, Mr Munroe.
- Hello, Bert.- Hello, Gus.
- Lovely afternoon. Hmph!- Not 'alf, it ain't.
- Hello, Mr Miggs.- Hello, young fellow, me lad.
What you got there?
- Package for Major General Denistoun.- Retired.
Oh. Been chasin' 'im 'alf overthe bloomin' country, that 'as.
Oh, it has? I'll see that he gets it.
- Thanks, chum.- Righto.
Here you are, Horace.Give that to Major General Denistoun.
And this here, kindly hand it toMr Quentin Reynolds. Do you know him?
Yes.He's the American.
All right, hop along now.
And blow yourblinkin'nose, will you?
- Food is pretty scarce, though.- Mr Quentin Reynolds?
- Yes.- Telegram, sir.
- Thank you, son. Excuse me, boys.- Thank you.