Irma la Douce
Tell me, how'd a nice girl like youget into a racket like this?
I was studying at the Paris Conservatory.I was going to be a concert pianist.
Chopin and Debussy, and like that.
And then the night of my first recital,the piano cover fell on my hand.
Three broken fingers and a broken dream.
After that I didn't care what happened...
:02:36 long as I could feedmyself and my little dog.
Thank you.
Do you mind if I ask youa personal question?
You mean, why does a girl like mehave to do this for a living?
Well, actually, I'm Belgian. My parentswere missionaries in the Congo.
I don't wanna talk about that.
- I understand.- So now there's just me and my sister.
She's in the hospital.Needs three transfusions a day.
D'you know how mucha pint of blood costs these days?
Thank you.