Hey, Pete, are you surethis is the place?
You saw the letter.This is the place.
Listen, pal. Don't you think it's funny,your uncle just giving you this race car?
Sentimental reasons.
Would a cracked blockbe a sentimental reason?
All we got to lay out is the storage fee.You've got the money.
I've got the money.
All finished.
- Shine?- No, thanks.
You want a personally conductedtour of Puerto Vallarta?
I'll show you plenty good time.
- What do you think, Pete?- It's not in the budget.
- No, thanks, son.- Okay, where do you want to go?
Paco show you, free on the house.
Taller Mecánico, Avenida...
Cárdenas. No problem.I'll show you exactly.
I like Americans.Americans very smart people.
Someday, I go to America.
When you do,you look up Pete Stanchek.
He'll put you up, show you allthe best ice cream parlors in town.
That sounds good.
You see down there?That's Avenue Cárdenas.