We skipped the light fandango
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kind of seasick
But the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
As the ceiling flew away
How's it going?
Had your lunch yet?
I heard these two kidsin a restaurant yesterday.
One said,"What's chocolate pudding?"
The other said, "It's good.It's a lot like chocolate mousse."
Why do I get this feelingI'm not seeing any work today?
There's nothin' to see.It's "The Emperor's New Clothes."
I'm gonna get slaughtered, man.
- Yeah, well, let me see what you got.I'm sure it's a lot--
-Just trust me on this. It's shit.
I'm in here, all I want to dois lay down. I'm takin' a dive.
Well, if you can't work, at leastyou can eat. Come out with me.
I can't. I have to pick upmy assistant at the airport.
I don't know why she can'ttake a cab like everybody else.
- But, you know--- Whatever.
So, uh, when would think would bea good time for me to come back?
The show's in three weeks,you know.
Oh, Lionel, Lionel, you gothrough this before every show.
I'm talking 20 years of this!
Now get to know yourselfa little better!
You can pull it off, Lionel.You always do!