You mustn't listento what your younger brother says.
I can't think of anyone lessan authority on female anatomy.
He can see. It's enormous.
- No, it isn't.- It's hideous.
Why don't you show me that dress again?
It is a bit full here.Let me have it.
Thanks, Mom.
( Chattering, Murmuring )
-( Woman ) Taxi!!-( Man ) Taxi. Taxi!!
- Is this your cab?- It's not my cab.
- Is this your cab?- Really, it's not my cab.
- We'll share it.- But I don't want it.
No, we'll share it. I insist.That way there'll be no ill feelings.
- Are you going to Sally's too?- No.
Well, that settles it. Come with us.That way we'll all be going the same direction.