The principle, Your Honor,is informed waiver,
a concept deeply embeddedin the black-letter law of this state.
This is a simple case of a contractwillingly and completely executed.
Appeals to the contrary, based on emotion,have no place in a court of law.
- Objection!- Order, order!
This is not a court of law.You did not enter through a doorway.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the rabbit holeand we, like so many Alices,
have plunged through itdirectly into Wonderland.
Behold the Queen of Hearts,Carraghan Chemical.
A company that has spewed its bileinto the Leffingwell River for 17 years.
Plants wither. Children die.
And there isn't a court in the landthat can stop them.
Finally, one man has had enough.
Frustrated, desperate, he slamshis truck into the plant manager's office
and for one bright, shining day,that hellhole of a factory shuts down.
Do we honor him?Do we throw him a parade?
Do we even say thank you?
No. He is put on trial.