- What?- Yo, dog, I ain't going.
I'm getting on that bus.
Now that meansyou are getting on that bus.
We look stupid!
Oh, now you want to beall embarrassed.
You should'vethought about that before.
Dog, I ain't going.
Call me dog again and see if I don'tknock you flat on your ass.
Now, I'm getting on that bus and youare going right along with me.
I am your father.
You are my son.
So let's get on the bus, okay?
...stop looking at me like that.
Shelly, are we cool...
No, we're not cool, and we're notfinished either.
You'll feed Kaya for me?
I'll feed him, walk him and watch himcrap! I'm looking forward to it.
You make it sound like I'mrunning off with another woman.
You expect me to get wet like you'redoing something incredible?
This whole thing is sexist andexclusionary.
How would you feel if the marchwas only for dark-skinned brothers?
How can Farrakhan call a march fordark-skinned brothers...
...when Farrakhan's about yourcomplexion, with straight hair?
Gonna kiss me? Kiss me goodbye?
I'm late for work.
I love you anyway.
Remember to watch CNN.
We're not done talking.
I know we're not.
I'll call from Arkansas.