[Faint Whistling]
- [Gunfire]- [Man #1 Over Radio]
We can't hold out much longer, sir.
General Hummel, you've gotto get us out of here now!
[Hummel]I won't let you down.
I won't let you down, son.
Goddam it, sir!How long do we have to wait?
I've lost 15 men already!
[Man #2]Sir, they're lighting us up
like a firestorm!
This is Gen. Hummel.You gotta get my men outta there!
[Man #3]We don't have clearance
to go behind enemy lines, sir.
[Man #1]They're not comin'for us,
are they, sir?
[Hummel]Congressman Weaver
and esteemed members...
of the Special ArmedServices Committee,
I come before youto protest a grave injustice.