I asked Marianne to come...
2 hours a day to prepareyour meaIs, okay?
If you need anything,caII her.
-Have her number?-Yes.
-And our hoteI's?-As well.
Where is it?
On the icebox...
in red ink and big numbers.
-I know them by heart.-No wisecracks!
Remember to pay Soniaat the end of...
each cIass, and studya IittIe bit, okay?
And don't touch my grass.
Just water it, don't fIood it.
No fIooding.
-When wilI NicoIas be here?-This afternoon.
What do you want usto bring you?
A pyramid.
-Are you Enrique's son?-Yes.
I'm JuIian Quintana.
I'm Dani.
You've grown. I wouIdn'thave recognized you.
-Is your Dad in?-No, he just Ieft.
Okay, I'II come backsome other day.