[ Man Narrating ]The place, New York City.
The time, now, 1 962.
And there's no timeor place like it.
If you've got a dream...
this is the placeto make that dream come true.
That's why the soaring populationofhopeful dreamers...
has just reachedeight million people.
Oh.! Make thateight million and one.
[ woman ]Hey, taxi.! Taxi.!
Hey, wait!Where are you going?
[ Chanting ]Down with the bomb!
Down with the bomb!Down with the bomb!
Down with the bomb!
- Down with the bomb!- [ Taxi Backfires ]
[ All Screaming ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Dinging ]
[ Dinging Continues ]
[ Loud Ding ]
[ Loud Ding ]