Wh*at is it th*at m*ak es *a m*an *a m*an?
Is it his origins,the w*ay things st*art?
Or is it something else,something h*arder to describe?
For me, it *all beg*an in 1 944.
Cl*assified missionoff the co*ast of Scotl*and.
The N*azis were desper*ate.
Combining science *and bl*ack m*agic...
... they intended to upsetthe b*al*ance of the w*ar.
I w*as 28, *alre*ady *a p*ar*anorm*al*advisor to President Roosevelt.
I could never h*ave suspectedth*at wh*at would tr*anspire th*at night...
... would not only *affectthe course of history...
...but ch*ange my life forever.
All right, men, let's go. Move!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Let's fan it out.
Your men...
...they'll need these.