It has something to dowith them taking our farm...
...but we don't knowwhat the hell it is.
I don't know that they'll let y'all in,but we'll take you.
- We'll get dressed. Y'all wait downstairs.- We're gonna wait here.
Downstairs is fine.
It's happening, Luke.It's all happening.
I'll give you that, Jesse.
- I'll give you that.- Will you now?
What are you doing with my land,Jefferson?
Ain't your land anymore.
Wasn't that long ago you wasa moonshiner too. Remember?
Well, I have reformed from my sins.
I am now an honest businessman.
Like sponsoring racecars?
What are you getting out of bringingBilly Prickett down here?
You know, your nephew's won that racefour years in a row.
Now, who's gonna fault mefor breaking up a dynasty?
Well, I know you're rich,and I know you stink.
But you ain't stinking rich.
You wouldn't be throwingthat money at Prickett...
...unless you thought he wasgonna earn you 10 times that.
You're a smart man.So why don't you do the smart thing.
Why don't you take your familyand leave.
Because, see, now I own that farm.
And you ain't never gonna get it back.
I have all the cards, Jesse.
You don't have spit.
It ain't over yet.
Hey, Bo, I love your car.She really rumbles.
It's actually a he. Right, Katie?
I ain't even speeding.