Don't shout, I tell you!Don't shout!
I will shout if I want to! Who'sgoing to prevent me from shouting
Listen to me! Why won't youlisten?
You're a liar! A liar! You liedwhen you met me!
You lied to get rid of me!You're a liar and a cheat!
That's enough of it! Get outof here!
That's a nice thing for a wifeto say!
I'm nothing of the sort!
Oh, yes, you are! And you're notgoing to get rid of me with...
...your silly Reno divorce!You're my wife!
Well, what about it?
And I'm not going to have anyboys hanging around
What do you mean?
Oh, you can't fool me! I'vewatched him! I saw him come in!
Don't be a fool! That boyis not...
-A liar! A liar!-Why won't you listen?
Because I'm not an idiot!
You quit me eight years ago to goon the screen!
I, who worked for you! Took youout the chorus...
...let you out of the gutter
And now you spend your timegoing around with boys, you!
Go on, say it, say it!