- I won.- What do you mean, you won? You did not.
- I did too. The oId man can stiII beat him.- Come on, Dad. You saw it, didn´t ya?
CIose, reaIIy cIose.
- AII right. If it was cIose, Iet´s go again.- How many times do I have to beat you?
- You beat me?- Yeah, I beat you.
- AII right! You won!- Hey, Ieave your father aIone.
AII this exercise is makin´ me hungry.
- Come on, Dad. AII right, you won.- No, no.
- You won.- No, you won.
- No, no, you won.- No, you won.
Mr ChiIdress, teIephonefor you, sir... on the terrace.
Better get here as soon as you can.I´II teII Peter.
What´II Iiving in the States be Iike, Dad?
I don´t know. We´ve been away a Iong time.
- Yeah, it´s been since Mom died.- Yeah.
- Hey, why Chicago?- Good schooI for ya. The best.
- You couId go out for footbaII.- What, give up soccer?
WeII, footbaII´s more popuIar in the States.
FootbaII pIayers aremore popuIar with the girIs.