Good morning, Quark.
I couldn't believe it. Lisa toldJanet that Paul asked Barbara...
to ask me if I hada date to the dance.
No, they broke up forreligious differences.
She thought she was Godand he disagreed.
Yeah, this afternoon around 5:00.
I'm meeting him at the mall.I don't know.
Maybe. Yeah.
Oh, I can't. I've got to hang arounda while and keep an eye on Nick.
He likes to take things apart.
Well, that's why I watch it at yourhouse. Things'll cool off after today.
Dad has his bigshow-and-tell at the lab.
- It works! L-It really works!- Nick, get real.
The subject has disappeared.
No, no, it's not that.
No. Mom and Dad hadan argument last night...
and Mom spent the nightat Grandma's.
I think she just needed a rest.
Right, her and me both.
Yeah, okay. Okay. Bye.