15 sous!I get in free.
Royal Household Cavalry.You?
I don't pay!
I'm a musketeer.
It's the last time. Stay in the pit!
Come on.
You'll see great actors...
Montfleury, Bellerose...
the chandeliers!
What's the play?
Who's it by?
Baltazar Baro.
A masterpiece!
To think I saw them play Rotrou here.
And Corneille.
Le Cid.I was over there for the premiere.
Just give one snip to the lace.
Ragueneau! My friend!
Cakemaker to poets!
You're too kind.Quiet, you patron of the arts.
He supplies all of us on credit.
Being a poet myself...
Some have said it.
For a little ode or sonnet, I pay...
A tart?
A tartlet, say.
What did it cost youto come here tonight?