FILM NARRATOR:Welcome to Sheffield...
the beating heart of Britain'sindustrial North.
The jewelin Yorkshire's crown...
is home to overhalf a million people...
and thousands more flock heredaily to shop and to work.
All this is built on Sheffield'sprimary industry--steel.
The city's rolling mills,forges, and workshops...
employ some 90,000 men andstate-of-the-art machinery...
to makethe world's finest steel--
from high-tensile girdersto the stainless cutlery...
that ends upon your dining table.
But it's not all hard workfor the people of Steel City.
They can spend the daylounging by the pool...
watchingone of our top soccer teams...
or browsing in the shops.
But when the sun goes down,the fun really starts...
in the city's numerousnightclubs and discotheques.
yes, Yorkshire folkknow how to have a good time...
and it's good timesfor the city's housing, too.
Sheffieldleads the way in town planning.
Victorian slumshave been cleared...
to make wayfor the homes of the future.