G as in gleaning -
To glean is to gatherafter the harvest.
A gleaner is one who gleans.
In times past only women gleaned.
Millet's Glaneuseswere in all dictionaries.
The original paintingis at the Orsay.
Gleaning, that's the old way.
My mother'd say, '' Pick everything upso nothing gets wasted''.
But sadly we no longer do
because machinesare so efficient nowadays.
But before, I used to glean
together with my neighbors,
for wheat, and rice too.
I would put my big apron on
and we'd go gleaning ears of wheat,
lovely ears we would find.
A whole day in the sun,with gnats and mosquitoes biting,
it wasn't too nice,
but we liked it.
Evenings, we were exhausted. Oncehome with our bags and our aprons
we'd have a good time laughingand drinking coffee together.