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CALVIN: Gus Delario--the invisible man is Gus.
He's one of those guys...
who you feel likeyou know them really well...
but whenyou think about it...
you don't really know themat all, you know what I mean?
And, you know, obviously...
you look at his track recordof all the movies he's done--
He's been very successful.Almost every actor in town...
wants to work in, you know,one of Gus's movies.
FRANCESCA: I've donesome mean things in my life.
Yeah. And sometimes,the--ahem, ahem--
the worst part isis that sometimes...
it doesn't bother me.
I just say, well,yeah, this is mean.
I wanted to be mean,and I was mean.
LEE: Well, I have to besomewhat judgmental...
because of what I do,you know...
so I don 't thinkthat it's such a bad thing...
to be judgmental.
I think that'show you get through life.
You have to assess things...
and people do itabout you all the time...
and that's life,and it's too bad.
CARL: I think there isno amount of money...
I could have been paid--
there is no dealthat I could have made...
that she would not have feltthat I had been too passive...
and that--I think that...
her opinion of meon that level...
was formed beforethe movie was ever sold.
I think it has nothing to dowith the movie, frankly.
ARTHUR: It's frightening.It's monstrous.
It's evilto not have feelings.
So I spoke to Carl about it,and we discussed it...
and we went immediately...
to the most monstrouscharacter...
we could think of in history--
you know, Hitler himself.