Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by Harald Sicheritz
– More
– Language
:00:50 Let us pray.
:00:57 Let us pray, please.
:01:02 Sure, I couId pretend
to be devastated.
:01:06 HighIy inappropriate ...
on this joyous occasion.
:01:08 All right, Mr. Poppitz. Bye.
:01:12 Our Father who art in Heaven...
:01:15 I ought to open the champagne...
:01:18 because not onIy am I
at the top of my career,
:01:23 but this is the
best time of year.
:01:27 ExceIIent.
:01:28 BeIieve me.
:01:30 The only sad thing about
this place is the weather.
:01:33 But even that
doesn't faze me now.
:01:35 'Cause after tomorrow
l'll be havin' fun in the sun.
:01:38 Now if they'd just bury
the old bugger ...
:01:41 so l can catch my plane.
:01:43 Amen.
:01:51 The regional government
wishes to commend ...
:01:54 a great local entrepreneur
for his accomplishments.
:01:58 Yes.
:01:59 The king is dead.