That may just be baby talk,but, Stan...
...look at them and tell methey're not communicating.
Honey, this is a big day.
When you're in business with BiscaneBroadcasting, you've hit the big time.
- Hello?- Honey, did you hear anything I said?
- Yes, of course I heard you.- What did I say?
What'd you say?
I said, don't you thinkthe babies are communicating?
Honey, where's my jacket?
Hello. Yeah.Hi, is this Biscane Broadcasting?
Hi, this is Stan Bobbins.
No, not Dan. Stan.
Oh, and those World War IIrescue missions?
What kind of milk you drinking?
- What?- A baby...
...who can performsuperhuman feats...
...communicate to bothbabies and adults...
...and defend the childrenof the world.
That creates a paradoxwhich defies rational elucidation.
In English, Finkleman.
I think he's sayingyou're full of...
- Sorry.- What kind of milk you drinking, Alex?
And you're trying to tell us...
...that this Kahuna is related to bothyou and your cousins Sly and Whit?
Oh, whoa. Wait a minute.What don't you understand?
Look, sit back and let metell you another story...
...about the legendary Kahunaand his archenemy, Captain Kane.
This one happeneda long, long time ago...
...in East Berlin in 196 2.
You know, the Berlin Walland all that stuff?