Moving on to the last name on the list,Lt Cmdr Thomas Dodge.
Third in his class at sub school.Did even better in the advanced course.
Cited for tactical excellence,joint NATO exercise.
180 and closing, sir.
- Ahead one-third, steady on course.- Ahead one-third, steady on course. Aye, sir.
- Target at 175 and closing, sir.- Let's try a shot.
This is the third timeTom Dodge has come up for command.
If we don't give him a boat, he'll bedropped from the command programme,
which would be a tragedy for him
and a mistake for us, given the yearsand dollars spent training him.
Well, I'd have to disagree with you,Admiral Price.
Dodge's fitness reportalso presents a man who three years ago
brushed against a Russianmissile sub just off Murmansk.
Not exactly a promotional bell-ringer.
Target at 160, sir. Five-knot aiding wind.
- Delivery seven.- We have a shooting solution.
More to the point, I simply don'tapprove of his command style.
He's impulsive. He's often undisciplined,even reckless at times.
Fire one!
Get up there, you miserable little puke.
It's a fine shot, sir.
Well, what the heck?Why don't we pull in so you can putt out?
I will simply remind the selection boardof one irrefutable fact
that seems to sum up Dodge's character.
There is physical evidence that as an ensignDodge became so physically intoxicated
that he not only allowedhimself to be tattooed,
but tattooed on his genitalia.