Lovely morning.
Not bad.
Banks never on time, are they?
No, no, they're desperate.Desperate.
Desperate altogether.
Try another branch.
Morning.Like to make a withdrawal, please.
Harrison will defendthe bail application,
maybe even take the trial.
But he insists ontwo thousand pounds in cash.
For a morning's work?
Up front.As in now, before we go in.
I see, he doesn't trust me.
Here he is now,Michael, he's worth it.
It's nearly time.
Are we in funds?
Oh, the cash.Just been to the bank.
No... not here, Mr. Lynch.
And you will be taking that offin court, won't you?
The prosecution's claim thatthey fear my client
might leave this countrywhile on bail,
is completely and totallywithout foundation.
Especially when Mr. Lynch'slovely little daughter, Breda
is having herfirst Holy Communion soon
and it would be tragic
if her father were notto be with her on that day.