Mommy! Mommy!
Get out of here!Go home!
Always getting in trouble...
l don't know if you bratsdeserve it but...
How about some butter cookies?
-Up again? lt's almost 5.00.-l'm watching TV. Go to sleep.
What are you doing?
Nothing.l was just passing by...
Tight lips.
No, don't leave mewithout wine.
l'll close andyou won't see a dime.
Bring me the wine after 3.00 pmand l'll settle it.
-Did you find Rosales?-Can't find him anywhere.
-At home?-l didn't want to bother him.
-His office?-Don't know the number.
Where did you look,you moron?
200 boxes of ravioli aren't enough.lt doesn't cover what the workers steal.
-Thanks, man.-l'll get you a new check.
-What are you doing?-Try this.