(Laughter and applause)
Another one like that and we've won!My word, this is a great event for you, my dear!
Watching two of your hottest suitors
- Making a last wicket stand togethenr- Bo and Humphrey do everything together.
- Howzat?- (Laughter and applause)
He's out!
- Bad luck, sir.- Thank you, Simpson.
We only had four more runs to get, sir.
Well, is all in the game, Simpson.
Hard luck, Humph, old man.
Take your hands off me, you cad!
Eh? Whas up, old man?
You know damn well whas up!You deliberately tripped me.
- Humphrey, what are you saying?- You tripped me.
Now, just a minute, gentlemen.
This is an extremely grave chargeyou're making, Captain Bagshaw.
- Mr West, is there any truth in it?- No, of course not. Humphrey's my friend!
- Why would I want to do a thing like that?- Then you're saying Captain Bagshaw is a liar.