Little Big Man
I am, beyond a doubt,the last of the old-timers.
My name is Jack Crabb,...
...and I am the sole white survivorof the Battle of Little Bighorn,...
...popularly knownas Custer's Last Stand.
Well, Mr Crabb,...
...I'm more interested in the primitivelifestyle of the Plains Indian...
...than I am in...
...tall tales about Custer.
Tall tales?
Are you calling me a liar?
No, no. It's just that...
I'm interested in the way of lifeof the Indian,...
...rather than, shall we say,adventure.
You think the Battle of Little Bighornwas an adventure?
Little Bighorn was notrepresentative...
...of encounters betweenwhites and Indians, Mr Crabb.
You see, the near genocideof the Indian...
- The near what?- Near genocide.
It means...
The killing off of an entire people.
That's practicallywhat we did to the Indian.
But, of course, I wouldn't expectan old Indian fighter, like you,...
:01:56 agree with me.