Bitterman, stop the car!Stop it, stop the car.
Girls! Girls!
Hello, girls!
Would the more attractiveof you please step forward?
God! That's funny!
No, actually,you're both very attractive.
Would the one who thinks l'mattractive please step forward?
Quickly as possible!Time is money!
What'd you have in mind?
VD l'm really into penicillin.
Now that's funny!
Actually, what l had in mind. . .
. . .was spending the eveningwith a stranger who loves me.
lt's going to cost you $1 00.
Oh, yeah?What time do you get off work?
No, l'm kidding!
Let's make it $200.But l will ask you to Simoniz my car.
Has there been a deathin your family?
This is funny stuff here.
Let's go.
Bitterman, give her. . .
. . .give her friend $1 00.She came in second.
Who is that guy?
l'd rather not say.
l think l know.l saw his picture in the paper.
-That's Arthur Bach, isn't it?-What if it is?
ls there something wrong with him?
Permit me to introduce myself.